
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Science update

- Science update -

What we have created so far:

For science my group (Brooke, Freya and I) are making a science newspaper of things that keep a astronaut mentally and physically healthy.

In the newspaper we have a front page, a page for the day in the life of an astronuat, the menu for the day, free time activities, jokes, keeping mentally healthy, and a did you know page.

 What problem are we solving?

The problem that we need to know is: How do astronauts keep healthy in space?

What science do we need to know?

We need to know how astronauts keep fit in space, what times do they eat, what do they eat, when do they go to bed, how do they go to sleep, how they have showers/brush their teeth/brush their hair, e.t.c

Camp Reflection

Camp Reflection

For camp we went to the Wainui YMCA campground. We arrived on Monday and we stayed for 2 nights. We then left on Wednesday.


I showed empathy when Greta hurt herself. I helped by staying with her and comforting her to make her feel better.


I was imaginative when we were doing search and rescue. I imagined that we were on a real search and rescue and we had to be fast to find poor Bob.


I was self-managing in my cabin. I kept my bed and suitcase tidy.


Belonging to a group during high ropes was helpful because I would'nt have been able to do the course without them. During high ropes you had to have a belayer, a backup belayer, and a rope manager.